Wednesday, November 2, 2016


I'm so happy to blog about Austin and his buddies he has made at school.  He has had one friend since first grade who has always been so supportive and great!  There are two more boys that Austin spends time with everyday.  I have gotten to meet them and think they are great boys!  They were together at the Halloween Dance a few nights ago and I got a picture of three of them together; smiling and having fun!  I can't express in words how happy this makes me!

All the best!


Monday, October 17, 2016

School Ties

I'm so happy for Austin that he can tie his shoes!  School started at the end of August and this year, I thought it was so important for Austin to tie his shoes.  He had these clips that would substitute for tying laces.  Before, when we tried to get him to tie his shoes, he would breakdown and sob.  He was so frustrated and just couldn't do it.  His fine motor skills still can be challenging for him.  He's very happy and we're so proud that he managed to work at it, and on the first day of school, he could tie his own laces!  Well done Dude! OXOX

All the best!  *HUGS*

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Dexter & Jingles

Austin and Kaleigh each have their own kitten, Dexter (Austin's kitten) and Jingles (Kaleigh's kitten) and they are doing very well.  They are brother and sister (Dexter has the white feet).  They were given to us by a neighbour and they are very happy here in their new home.  Our older cat, Salem, who's 15 years old, is happy he's an outdoor cat since the kittens are a bit active!  Although Salem does come in to eat and have a rest, he goes in and out as he wishes.  The kittens are jealous but they are indoor cats.  We want to keep them happy, healthy and safe!

All the best!  *HUGS*

Friday, July 29, 2016

Social Struggles

The other night, late, close to midnight, Austin came to me, crying.  Extremely anxious and upset about many things, I spoke to him for a couple of hours to calm him.  This poor boy!  Most of the time, he is so happy and easy going, when he gets upset, it's because he's really overwhelmed.  He discussed different fears he had and we dealt with the majority of them but one, social issues.

When your child comes to you and says "No one likes me!"  Your heart breaks!!!  I am so sad and concerned for Austin, you have no idea!  My husband went on the overnight stay with Austin and saw how badly some of these children treat Austin.  On the bus ride, Austin couldn't say a word without being ridiculed!  A group of boys after him constantly.  This is not news, I got reports about it from school.  I am convinced that these children are lacking something in their lives, seriously.  (I started working with children and I've seen first hand the bullying that can go on, it's heartbreaking!)  What to do?  I can't go to school with Austin and I'm seriously fed up of hearing how picked on this poor guy is all the time!  I would love to home school him but it has been recommended not to.  He is so high functioning and his grades are fantastic!  The boy is smart ... S-M-A-R-T!  (I'm a proud Mama!)

I saw the Psychologist not too long ago and expressed my concerns to her.  There is a woman who we can hire to help Austin with social struggles.  I am going to try this, why not?  She is supposed to be very good and may be she can help Austin.  He can be very flamboyant, and humility is not his strong point.  He is proud of his accomplishments and when he can do things in school faster and with better results, he is not shy to announce them!  Something we are working on to get under control.  He is so scrutinized in every other capacity, his academic abilities are something the other children cannot challenge so he uses it as a defence.

Austin will be going into his senior year at school.  I am praying that things go well for him but after all the struggles this poor child has had, my defences are up!  I am grateful to the children at school who do share a friendship with him and are protective of him.  They are such kind and sweet children.  Their parents should be proud!

All the best!  *HUGS*

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


I received an apology yesterday from Kaleigh.  Somehow I need to find a way for her to express or calm herself.  I've tried a lot of different things.  At least now, I know for sure it's because she's angry, now, how do I help her?  I will find a way.  If I could help Austin, and continue to, there has to be something I can do for Kaleigh.

All the best!  *HUGS*

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Typical One

I have the most difficult time with Kaleigh, even though she's a typical child, nothing is typical about her behaviour.  She is the most reactive and impulsive child.  I have taken her back again and again to the Psychologist and been told, it's personality.  She is argumentative and refuses to listen.  The contrast between her and Austin couldn't be more different.  Today, I couldn't even finish my shopping because of her behaviour, we had to leave the store.  It can't be "typical" for an 8 year old girl to behave this way.  I feel like I have to seek out another source to see if someone can answer why she reacts the way she does.

I'm so confused and sad at this point.  If anyone has any feedback, I'm happy to hear it.  I could use some input.  Thank you!

All the best! *HUGS*

Saturday, May 28, 2016


We never know what to expect when something sad happens and how Austin will react.  He took the passing of Tonka so hard!  He was sobbing and sobbing!  He cried at night, he cried in the morning, he was sobbing in the shower; his Dad had to go into the bathroom to help calm him.  It was the hardest thing to see both Austin and Kaleigh so sad and devastated over the loss of their little cat.

I have never seen Austin cry so much and I cried all day just thinking about Austin and Kaleigh so distraught.  It is a terrible feeling!

A neighbour of ours did something for Austin and Kaleigh which has seem to help with their loss but that is another post to come.

All the best! *HUGS*


Sadly we lost our little cat, Tonka, on Wednesday evening.  He was really Kaleigh's kitten and followed her everywhere and they just loved each other so much!  We only had him a short time and he was very young (only 8 months, not even a year old) so sad!  Someone hit him and left him on the road.  A kind lady stopped just after and we heard her, my husband went to check and it was our much loved cat.  We are so sad and devastated! We're not sure why he went to the road since he never crosses it.  Austin and Kaleigh took it very hard, so are my husband and I.  It is even difficult for me to post a picture here because I am missing him terribly and so sad.  We love you Tonka!  We miss you!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Fantastic Florida

A fantastic time spent in Florida over the March Break from school.  Austin, Kaleigh and Mom spent 10 days in sunny Florida, some time in Delray Beach and Orlando.  A great time at Disney and at Universal Studios!  Harry Potter was beyond fabulous!  Highly recommend everyone should go to see it!  Austin and Kaleigh went on the big roller coaster!  They had so much fun!

We had several trips to the beach in Delray.  It was terrific!  We all loved the ocean and it is so soothing!  Austin and Kaleigh had Boogie Boards and Water Tubes to keep them busy.  It was hard to get them out of the water to leave for home!

There are so many fun things we all experienced and so happy we went to stay with our family in Delray to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and what a spectacular place!  We love Florida!

All the best! *HUGS*

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Overnight Stay a Success and Spectrum Sentience

Austin and his Dad went on the overnight stay at the log cabin this week.  They had a lot of fun and Austin was very well behaved, he also got to spend a bit of time with his little friend, who is a girl, who he likes and she thinks the world of him too.  She told my husband how fond she is of Austin and thinks he's very smart!  This was great to hear!

The flip side of the trip, he was also a target of a couple of girls, who were not so nice to Austin, but the teacher and his Dad were close by and they were corrected quickly.  One of these girls, is the same one who keeps hitting and bullying him!  I was surprised she was on the trip.  Overall, my husband said everything was handled well and Austin said he really had a great time!  He would like to go again!  YAY!

There was an incident that my husband asked me about when he got home, he asked "Have you ever seen Austin stim?"  "Stim?,  No, not really."  Stimming is not something Austin would really do, but he would move his hands a bit and jump up and down when he would get excited (when he was younger).  I think it surprised my husband that Austin still has these behaviours.  Although in a lot of ways Austin is typical but he does have autism and it is very apparent certain situations.  Sometimes his excitement is so overwhelming he can't control it.

We were discussing what happened and how excited Austin got, it was very hard to calm him down.  The catalyst, a table game.  After my husband and I finished talking about what happened, Austin walked past me a little while later and was going to his room for alone time.  I watched as he walked towards his room, the feeling of the unknown and that little boy I clung to crying after his diagnosis, still resonates and brings me back to a reality.  These challenges are real, there are many, even if we don't see them all the time.  Others see them more frequently, school, social outings, family dinners and trips to the store, they are all triggers.  It's different at home, he has his room, his games, his support and it can be very different here.  We have altered things and home is where you see less behaviours.  Sometimes, I forget, I see Austin, not autism, just him, my baby, my boy, the son I love and adore so much!

All the best! *HUGS*

Friday, January 29, 2016


Sad to see that ten followers (just since my last post) who have been reading this blog since I began writing it, are not longer following it.  I hope that they are well and wish them all the best!


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Hits Just Keep Coming

Austin was hit across the face yesterday by the same girl who has become an issue for many of the students at his school.  He's not the only one who is bullied by her and my concern is when will it stop?  Will she be removed from the school like the last child that targetted Austin, among many others?  She was given an internal suspension for the day yesterday.  I can't believe a girl is the one causing all this distress.  Austin doesn't fight back, it's not his nature, and certainly, not when a girl is the one hitting.  I am so proud of him for his patience and control!  I pray that this situation will be resolved soon!

All the best! *HUGS*

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Volleyball Team

The other day Austin came home and told me he went to the volleyball tryouts and made the team!  YAY!  So proud of Austin!  Love him so much!

All the best! *HUGS*

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Can't Camp Out!

Austin brought home a permission form to go with his Grade 5 class for an overnight camping trip.  I, unlike his Dad, am not comfortable with him going on the trip.  My husband thinks it would be good for him and I, on the other hand, know that something could happen to upset or cause Austin to react.  I told my husband that Austin needs support with this situation.  He has never been away and we have no idea how he will do under these circumstances.  I guess my grizzly side came out because I told my husband, if he didn't sign up to volunteer on the trip (Austin doesn't want Momma hanging around, who can blame him at this age), Austin would not be able to go for overnight camping. (Good thing the man has a lot of patience for me.)  He agreed and I feel better that Austin will have Dad there if he needs him. :)

I am thankful to a friend who I expressed my feelings to and was very supportive and gave me very good advice.  I am also very thankful to my husband for his support and understanding, love you!

All the best! *HUGS*