Saturday, May 28, 2016


We never know what to expect when something sad happens and how Austin will react.  He took the passing of Tonka so hard!  He was sobbing and sobbing!  He cried at night, he cried in the morning, he was sobbing in the shower; his Dad had to go into the bathroom to help calm him.  It was the hardest thing to see both Austin and Kaleigh so sad and devastated over the loss of their little cat.

I have never seen Austin cry so much and I cried all day just thinking about Austin and Kaleigh so distraught.  It is a terrible feeling!

A neighbour of ours did something for Austin and Kaleigh which has seem to help with their loss but that is another post to come.

All the best! *HUGS*


Sadly we lost our little cat, Tonka, on Wednesday evening.  He was really Kaleigh's kitten and followed her everywhere and they just loved each other so much!  We only had him a short time and he was very young (only 8 months, not even a year old) so sad!  Someone hit him and left him on the road.  A kind lady stopped just after and we heard her, my husband went to check and it was our much loved cat.  We are so sad and devastated! We're not sure why he went to the road since he never crosses it.  Austin and Kaleigh took it very hard, so are my husband and I.  It is even difficult for me to post a picture here because I am missing him terribly and so sad.  We love you Tonka!  We miss you!