Goodness, it's been a while since I have posted! Many changes and still challenges with Austin. He's changing a lot physically too, he's getting very tall, 5'8" and only 12 years old! He's taller than Momma!
Austin graduated Elementary School and started Junior High School. He's never really had to study too much, so we decided to let him figure out his own way for the first term, that, didn't go so well! His grades dropped severely! He didn't fail anything but he certainly never brought home grades like that before. We started a new system with him and we must go over everything and I help him study for tests and exams. The report cards for term 2 come home soon! I hope things will be better for Austin this term.
We got a puppy at the end of August, a Texas Heeler, her name is Piper! She loves Austin! I thought it would be good for him to have a dog. Many people told me that dogs are great with kids on the spectrum. She sure is fantastic with Austin! She jumps up on his bed every morning and kisses him until he wakes up! It's so sweet! He walks her everyday too with his sister, he handles that responsibility very well!
Austin is still struggling socially. Not as much as elementary school, but there are still a lot of challenges. I feel badly for him. He doesn't seemed bothered to eat by himself (it doesn't happen everyday, he usually eats with his buddy) or not have a lot of friends. He still hangs out with a couple of boys that he's known all the way through elementary. I'm hoping as he matures, social things will get a little easier. I try to help him as much as possible. There are other options through his Psychologist for help if needed, that's an option were keeping open since Austin does talk about girls and having a girlfriend eventually ... a few years from now!
Austin also loves his XBox! He's a gamer for sure! I blame his Auntie! She's a gamer too! 😂 He doesn't get it from me, that's for sure!
I've been dealing with Austin's tone, not all the time mind you, but he definitely has the pre-teen hormonal attitude surfacing. He's easy to correct it but oh my! It's hard to think that it seems like yesterday he was only 3, now, he's taller than me and on his way to being a teenager. He's grown so quickly! Lots and lots of changes. Overall, he's doing great! I'm so grateful for that! He's still a very good and sweet boy, he does have a few moments here and there ... he always says "It's not my fault, it's my hormones Mom!" Sigh ...
All the best! *HUGS*
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