Thursday, June 6, 2013

"Wee" Wishes

Austin never ceases to amaze me, he is so sweet!  The other night, Kaleigh, who usually sneaks into bed with us no matter if we put her back to her bed, again and again, finds a way into our bed.  I normally give her a cuddle at night to settle her while Austin reads or watches his iPad.  A couple of nights ago, Kaleigh came down with a nasty cold so she went to sleep early.  A knock on my bedroom door and low and behold, it was Austin.

My husband and I told him to come in and he asked for a cuddle since Kaleigh was not taking up Momma's cuddle time tonight.  No problem, I said, "Come on Dude" and in he hopped!  He has always liked to be cuddled but rarely approaches me for one, goodness, he is almost as tall as I am now!  I was cuddling him when he told me he had a wish, I asked what was the wish?  He said "I wish I was small again so you would cuddle me every night!"  Awwww, my heart just melted!  I told him he does not need to be small again for that ... :)

All the best!  *HUGS*

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